Société Industrielle des Boissons de Guinée


South Africa

Start and End Date

April 5, 2012 - May 21, 2014

Treaty Type

Investment Law


Other Industry

Case Decision


Arbitration Center


Representative of the Respondent

Cabinet Mamadou S. Traore, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Orrick Rambaud Martel, Paris, France

Representative of the Claimant

Cabinet Leboulanger, Paris, France

Amount Claimed


Amount Given to Arbitrators


Legal Fees of Respondent


Legal Fees of Claimant


Total Legal Fees


Administrative Fees


Maritime International Nominees Establishment


South Africa

Start and End Date

September 18, 1984 - November 20, 1990

Treaty Type



Oil, Gas & Mining

Case Decision


Arbitration Center


Representative of the Respondent

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Representative of the Claimant

Kaplan Russin & Vecchi, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.

Amount Claimed

Material Unavailable

Amount Given to Arbitrators

Material Unavailable

Legal Fees of Respondent

Material Unavailable

Legal Fees of Claimant

Material Unavailable

Total Legal Fees

Material Unavailable

Administrative Fees

Material Unavailable

BSG Resources Limited (in administration), BSG Resources (Guinea) Limited and BSG Resources (Guinea) SÀRL


South Africa

Start and End Date

September 8, 2014 - Present

Treaty Type

Investment Law


Oil, Gas & Mining

Case Decision


Arbitration Center


Representative of the Respondent

DLA Piper, Paris, France
Orrick Rambaud Martel, Paris, France

Representative of the Claimant

Mishcon de Reya Solicitors, London, U.K.

Amount Claimed

Material Unavailable

Amount Given to Arbitrators

Material Unavailable

Legal Fees of Respondent

Material Unavailable

Legal Fees of Claimant

Material Unavailable

Total Legal Fees

Material Unavailable

Administrative Fees

Material Unavailable

Getma International and others


South Africa

Start and End Date

11/3/2011 - December 13, 2016

Treaty Type

Investment Law



Case Decision

Decided in favor of the investor

Arbitration Center


Representative of the Respondent

Edasso Rodrigue Bayala, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Orrick Rambaud Martel, Paris, France

Representative of the Claimant

Fischer, Tandeau de Marsac, Sur & Associés, Paris, France
PLMJ – A.M. Pereira, Sáragga Leal, Oliveira Martins, Júdice e Associados RL, Lisbon, Portugal

Amount Claimed

EUR 42,245,208

Amount Given to Arbitrators

Not Specified

Legal Fees of Respondent

Not Specified

Legal Fees of Claimant

Not Specified

Total Legal Fees

Not specified

Administrative Fees

Not specified

Société Civile Immobilière de Gaëta


South Africa

Start and End Date

November 28, 2012 - December 21, 2015

Treaty Type

Investment Law



Decided in favor of the state


Arbitration Center


Representative of the Respondent

Cabinet Mamadou S. Traore, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Orrick Rambaud Martel, Paris, France

Representative of the Claimant

Derains & Gharavi, Paris, France
SCP Akl & Akl, Beirut, Lebanon

Amount Claimed

Not Specified

Amount Given to Arbitrators

US$ 517,998.39

Legal Fees of Respondent

EUR 792,215.79

Legal Fees of Claimant

US$ 925,131 But expected to pay compensation to the defendant in the amount of EUR 633,772.63

Total Legal Fees

US$ 647,998,392

Administrative Fees

Not specified



South Africa

Start and End Date

January 8, 2007 - August 4, 2010

Treaty Type



Oil, Gas & Mining

Case Decision


Arbitration Center


Representative of the Respondent

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Paris, France
Gerrit L. Grobler, Pretoria, South Africa
State Attorney of the Republic of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa

Representative of the Claimant

Elihu Lauterpacht, London, U.K
Guglielmo Verdirame, London, U.K.
Toby Landau, London, U.K.
Webber Wentzel, Johannesburg, South Africa

Amount Claimed

375.00 Million USD

Amount Given to Arbitrators

Not Specified

Legal Fees of Respondent

Not Specified

Legal Fees of Claimant

EURO 400,000 to be paid to respondent

Total Legal Fees

Not specified

Administrative Fees

Not specified

Minoutsi Shipping Corp Vs. Trans Continental Shipping Services (Pte) Ltd [1971-1973] SLR(R) 21; [1971] SGHC 3



A dispute arose between the parties pursuant to a charter party, which provided that any disputes arising should be referred to arbitration in London, with one arbitrator to be appointed by each party unless the parties agreed on a single arbitrator. Minoutsi appointed an arbitrator. As Continental failed to nominate an arbitrator, Minoutsi called upon its arbitrator to assume the function of sole arbitrator. Upon giving notice to both parties, the arbitrator made his award in favour of Minoutsi. Minoutsi then began an action in Singapore against Continental for the sum awarded by the arbitrator in London. It then applied to the Singapore court for leave to sign final judgment against Continental under O 14 of The Rules of the Supreme Court 1970.
Continental opposed the application and argued that the arbitration award was bad because Continental had not nominated an arbitrator, and had not agreed that the law of England would apply to the arbitration. The Court held that the arbitration was conducted in accordance with the charter party and the award was thus a good one. The charter party was silent as to what law should govern the arbitration and also as to what should take place if one of the parties failed to nominate an arbitrator when called upon to do by the other party. As such, with the parties’ agreement that the arbitration should take place in London and in the absence of any specific provisions to the contrary, the law of England should apply to the arbitration proceedings.

Allowed leave to sign final judgment (of arbitration award) against Continental


Galsworthy Ltd of the Republic of Liberia Vs. Glory Wealth Shipping Pte Ltd [2011] 1 SLR 727; [2010] SGHC 304



An arbitration award was issued in London – Glasworthy came to the Singapore courts and obtained leave to enforce the award. Glory Wealth Shipping (GWS) applied to set aside the order granting leave to enforce. The 2010 Refusal to grant application to set aside order granting leave to enforce arbitration award USD 40million application was dismissed, but dissatisfied, GWS appealed on three grounds – that the award contained a decision on the matter beyond the scope of submissions to arbitration; that the arbitral procedure was not in accordance with the agreement of the parties and the enforcement of the award would be contrary to the public policy of Singapore. The Court held that GWS was not entitled to apply to set aside the order granting leave to enforced, which amounted to an abuse of process, as GWS had elected to proceed in the English courts. In the alternative, GWS had not sufficiently established the grounds asserted on appeal.

Refusal to grant application to set aside order granting leave to enforce arbitration award


Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia (CBK SA) contre Association d’Economie Extérieure “Tyazhpromexport” – Arret numéro: 46 (Février 2013)



The government enterprise ‘’Association d’Economie Extérieure’’ ‘’Tyazhpromexport’’ is opposed to the Company of state of Bauxites of Kinidia (SBK). The judgment was restricted to control if the submitted award has acquired the force of judged thing and it has nothing against the Guinean public order or to court order of Guinea. CBK made its request of interpretation of stop.

This application has not blamed CBK and the latter must consequently be regarded as one third. The award of March 13th, 2006 does not have to mention of the aforesaid letter written since 2001. In this stop of the enforcement of the award, the CBK was not put in question. This application could not produce an unspecified effect with regard to CBK.




City-based Shristi Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd faces an arbitration claim of Rs 160 crore from Rishima SA Investments LLC, an investor of a 5-star hotel project in the city.

Mauritius-registered Rishima had invested Rs 80 crore in the Shristi promoted hotel project in Rajarhat, with 35 per cent stake.

But, differences between them led to a legal fight and Rishima approached for an arbitration.

“In an arbitration dispute between Rishima.. and the company, the Arbitration Tribunal has issued a partial award in favour of the claimant (Rishima) for payment of an amount of Rs 761 crores calculated till 31st March 2019. ..The company shall make payment of Rs 160.2 crores to the claimant in lieu of shares so held,” Shristi mentioned in the notes of its financial reporting.

“An international arbitration had awarded an order but we will contest this at an appropriate higher forum,” Shriti managing director Sunil Jha told PTI.

Shristi posted a consolidated revenue of Rs 307.25 crore from operations for the year ended March 2019 and posted a loss of Rs 20.5 crore.